Am I a real podcaster yet?

Reader —

It’s been six months since Tonya Kubo and I launched The Business You Really Want, a podcast for women who want sustainable success in business and in life.

As of today, we’ve produced 30 episodes — which puts us in the top 5% of podcasts. Would you believe 90% of podcasts never make it past three episodes?

When I think about it, it’s both surprising and not surprising. It surprises me because I can’t imagine going through the time, energy and effort to launch a podcast only to abandon it so quickly. And it doesn’t surprise me because I am now acutely aware of how much work producing a podcast takes. If I didn’t have Tonya as my sidekick and a production team to handle the tech, I don’t think we would have ever gotten the project off the ground.

But I’m glad we did and now that we’re six months in, I’m committed to at least 50 more episodes, which means I could use your help in planning out future episodes. If you’re on LinkedIn, please vote in this poll. And if you’re not on LinkedIn but enjoy the show, reply here to let me know what you’d like to hear us explore.

You can check out our most recent episodes here:

Subscribe on your favorite podcast player or YouTube to get notified each Tuesday when episodes go live. And it would make Tonya REALLY HAPPY if you’d leave us an Apple review or Spotify rating.

Worth Noting…

→ Our next Small Biz Book Club discussion will feature my favorite business book of all time, Profit First, by Mike Michalowicz. It’s the perfect discussion this time of year when we’re all filing taxes and facing the reality of our individual profitability. You can register for the March 19 discussion here.

→ I’m teaching at Creativation in Seattle in April! If you plan to be there, let me know. You can find me teaching Mastering Cashflow on April 4 and enjoying the workshops and exhibits the rest of the time.

→ In March, I’ll be on the Delegate 2 Elevate podcast and in April, I’m an invited expert in the MOCA community.

→ Tonya and I were just featured on The Playhouse Friends podcast, where we talked about all the business things we love and love to hate. Speaking of The Playhouse, you can find me there each month teaching a live workshop. My next one is on March 25, The Secret of Time: Why Your Individual Relativity Matters. Join the community now to participate.

Here's to creating success on your own terms,


P.S. Want to work together? My schedule is packed pretty tight for the next two months but newsletter subscribers always get top priority after my clients. Email and Sophia will work her magic to find time for us to connect..

PO Box 1133, Merced, CA 95341

Everyday Effectiveness | Biz Ops Exposed

Gwen Bortner is a no-nonsense Operational Strategist and Business Advisor with an intuitive coaching mindset. She helps visionary female entrepreneurs achieve their most ambitious goals without the stress and overwhelm of trying to do it all on their own. Her approach comes from the belief that personal and professional success looks different for everyone, and most business owners waste time and energy trying to conform to outside expectations and definitions of success. From finance to IT, and small business operations to academia, Gwen has seen cookie-cutter strategies put organizations on the fast track to frustration, burnout, and eventually failure. Problem-solving is her zone of genius, and Gwen can quickly discern the root cause of issues, simplify systems and processes, then create the most direct path to any given solution.

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